JPX日経中小型株指数 15,035.59 +36.56 (+0.24%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock index 15,035.59 +36.56 (+0.24%)
The Nikkei 225 average price on the 31st Tokyo stock market falls slightly but falls for the first time in 4 business days
The Softbank Group fell, causing the Nikkei 225 average to be 53 yen lower
JASDAQ and MOTHERS continued on 4th
Jasdaq updated for the first time in three months for 27 years
On the 31st Tokyo stock market Nikkei Stock Average fell slightly for the first time in 4 business days. The closing price was 20,000 yen 61 yen, 6 yen lower than the previous day. As the rally continued until the day before, profit-fixing sales became dominant following the weak US stock on Thursday. It was disgusted that yen's exchange rate was somewhat strengthened against the dollar in the foreign exchange market, and automobile stocks such as Toyota Motor fell.
The softbank group that the suspension of the business integration of the US mobile subsidiary has been told has dropped, and it was also a burden to press down the Nikkei average by 53 yen. In the morning the Nikkei Average's spread has spread to 171 yen.