JPX日経中小型株指数 13,062.48 +4.69 (+0.04%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock index 13,062.48 +4.69 (+0.04%)
The Nikkei 225 average stock price fell back on the Tokyo stock market on the 8th.
Emerging stocks 8 days Jasdaq continues to postpone, Mothers falls
The Nikkei Stock Average started slightly on the Tokyo stock market on Monday morning.
The buying is preceded by the US stock price of the previous day and the yen's depreciation and the dollar's tendency of the foreign exchange market.
In the afternoon, concerning the BOJ's exit strategy, truth and unknown information was reported, and long-term interest rates rose to the first time in about three months in the afternoon bond market at a time of 0.075%. Sales expanded to real estate stocks such as Mitsui Fudosan and Mitsubishi Estate.
It is conscious that the difference in interest rates between Japan and the US is reduced, and the flow of yen selling and buying dollars is a dose. Automotive stocks such as Toyota, Honda and Suzuki also expanded the range.
JPX Nikkei index 400 has fallen for 4 days. The closing price was down by 60.93 points (0.43%) compared with the previous day to 11,717.39. TSE stock index (TOPIX) closed down by 6.68 points (0.42%) at 1590.41.
Trading price of TSE 1 department is estimated at 2,059.9 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 1,983,750,000 shares. The number of stocks in the TSE 1 department accounted for 1198, accounting for about 60% of the total. The price rise was 698, unchanged 121 stocks.
Chubu Electric, Nintendo, Unicharm lowered conspicuously. On the other hand, Dai-ichi Life HD and T & D rose. Toshiba was bought, Fuji Film and Komatsu, ANAHD also high.
TSE 2 stock index fell backward. Sharp and Asahi INTEC lowered, Oak and Futrec launched.
The average stock price of Nikkei JASDAQ lasted slightly on the 8th stock market for start-up companies. The closing price was 2,256 yen (0.08%) higher than the previous day at 3224.67 yen. Aeria and other smartphone (smart) games related and bio-stocks were bought. Solds of profit confirmed also brought down brands that updated their highs recently, keeping the upper price down.
The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated at 82.8 billion yen, trading volume was 145.18 million shares. Raquelia, terrorism rose. Meanwhile, Hirata Kiko, Gara and Kaika fell.
The TSE Mothers index fell back. The closing price was 5.36 points (0.48%) less than 1117.76. Mobcas, Akatsuki, Mixi fell. Remixes, angels, rhinestones rose.
新興株8日 ジャスダックは続伸、マザーズは反落
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