

On the Tokyo Stock Market
The TSE Stock Price Index (TOPIX) is on the rise, despite the strong corporate earnings outlook, the willingness to buy it is deeply rooted.
JPX Nikkei Index 400 is postponed, Nikkei 255 average stock price falls slightly.
Jasdaq continues on high on 9th Mothers lasted 3 days
The price recovered to 2 trillion yen unit

On the 22nd Tokyo stock market Nikkei Stock Average fell slightly. The closing price fell by 1.77 yen (0.01%) compared with the previous day and was 19,379. 87 yen. In the US market on January 21, the three major indices such as Dow Jones industrial average averaged the highest value. Although buying took place in the morning with a clue of a good external environment, selling which seems to be a domestic investor became a dominant dominance after the whole purchase round. It rallied that there were many investors who refrained from buying before President Trump 's parliamentary speech, which is supposed to be the 28th. There was also a scene that it lowered to a cheap level by about 50 yen compared to the last day closing price.

The JPX Nikkei index 400 was postponed and it was 10,362.22, 2.74 points (0.02%) higher than the previous day. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) was also on the rise, rising 1.49 points (0.10%) to 1557.09.

Despite strong corporate earnings forecasts, the willingness to buy it is strong. The buying came in at the lower price, and it fell down rapidly due to the collapse.

The trading value of the first section of the TSE roughly reached 2,010.8 billion yen, recovering to 2 trillion yen, which is the first milestone in three business days. Trading volume was 2,1 74.8 million shares. The number of stocks in the TSE 1 department accounted for 920 and 46% of the total. Price rise was 906, unchanged 176 issues.

Fastry and Fanuc and others have lowered stocks. Real estate stocks such as Ryoshiteji were also cheap. Shin-Etsu also fell. One corner of food stocks such as Ajinomoto also was soft. When the owner filed a lawsuit over rental income, the breadth of Leo Palace 's deepened. On the other hand, Rakuten sharply increased after announcing large-scale share buyback after the end of the 21st deal. Toshiba temporarily increased 21%. ASKUL was rebelled when it was reported that the fire at the logistics base had quelled. East Electric also rose.

The TSE 2 stock index fell back for the first time in six business days. Sharp and Kuroda Sei lowered, on the other hand, FDK and Asahi INTECH raised.

On the 22nd stock market for startup companies, the average stock price of Nikkei JASDAQ lasted nine days. The closing price was 7.21 yen (0.24%) higher than the previous day and it was 2966 29 yen, which was renewed last year from last year. As the Nikkei Stock Average ended at a 1-yen discount, such as the closing of the big stocks of TSE 1 in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, buying came in the stocks with the most recent price listings and the small stocks with new materials, etc., and the appearance of the emerging markets as a whole increased I made it up.

The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated to be 55.4 billion yen, trading volume was 97.65 million shares. Aeria rose with trading. Yasue Construction Store and Segue rapidly expanded. On the other hand, DWTI, Hirata Kiko, FVC fell.

TSE Mothers index continued to narrow slightly for three days. The closing price was 1033.79 which was 0.93 points (0.09%) higher than the previous day. JMC, ASCANET, REFINE V, WASH HOW increased. Meanwhile, Akatsuki and its counterparts fell.

ジャスダックは9日続伸で高値 マザーズは3日続伸











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