

The Nikkei 225 average price on the Tokyo stock market on July 7 fell slightly.
The TSE stock index (TOPIX) rebounded after three business days.
JPX Nikkei index 400 repulsed for the first time in three business days.
The rise in the first section of the TSE was 1212, the number of stocks that went down was 771, unchanged 100 stocks, and the price rise exceeded 60%.
Jasdaq and Mothers in the stock market for emerging companies continue to post

The Nikkei 225 average price fell slightly on the Tokyo stock market on July 7th. The closing price was 5.22 yen (0.03%) lower than the 2nd of the previous business day by 22,467.16 yen. There was a scene where the yen exchange rate rose by about 1 yen compared to 1 dollar = late 108 yen and 2 evening evening. Expectations that the profitability of exports will improve as a result of the depreciation of the yen has declined and export related stocks such as automobiles have been sold. The view that the negotiations between the United States and China over trade friction will be prolonged is smolder, and sells also to economically sensitive stocks such as machine shares.

U.S. hike rate hikes have been dropped in response to the US employment statistics in April, and the rise in long - term interest rates in the United States has ended. Hedge funds and others have sold to stock index futures in anticipation that the yen appreciation and the dollar depreciation will progress as the difference in interest rates between Japan and the US narrows and the profitability of export of Japanese companies will deteriorate.

I fell down last night. From speculation that the Bank of Japan will buy a listed investment trust (ETF), short-term trading investors have bought back. Some funds flowed into domestic demand stocks such as electricity shares and land transportation, and some supported the market.

JPX Nikkei index 400 repulsed for the first time in three business days. The closing price was 3.69 points (0.02%) higher than the previous business day, 15,668.45. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) rebounded for the first time in three business days and ended at 1773.18, 1.66 points (0.09%) high.

Trading price of TSE 1 department is estimated to be 2 trillion 364.3 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 1,475.96 million shares. The number of stocks in the first section of the TSE was 771, the price rise was 1212, unchanged 100 stocks.

Lowering of Dai-ichi Life Holdings and T & D Holdings, in which expectations for improvement in operational environment declined due to a decline in long-term interest rates in the United States, was conspicuous. Komatsu, Sumitomo Corporation and Nomura Holdings also fell sharply. Meanwhile, crude oil futures prices in the United States rose for the first time in three years and five months, and mining stocks such as oil resources development rose. I also raised Shiseido and Kikkoman.

The Nikkei Jasdaq Stock Average has continued on the 7th stock market for start-up companies. The closing price was 39.82 yen 60 yen which was 19.10 yen (0.48%) higher than the previous business day. In preparation for the full-fledged announcement of earnings announcement, while the upper price of large-scale stock of TSE 1 became heavier, I asked for buying start-up companies with relatively low price movements. As the yen weakened in the foreign exchange market, it was easy for funds to flow into domestic demand related stocks.

The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated to be 50.8 billion yen on an approximate basis, and the trading volume was 81.81 million shares. McDonald's, which announced monthly sales at the weekend, was steady, and the IX knowledge of the carna biosciences of the drug discovery support project and the system construction also rose. On the other hand, Nakanishi, a manufacturer of high-speed rotary equipment for dental and industrial use, and En-Japan, a leading online recruiter, fell.

The TSE Mothers index also postponed. The closing price was 1151.08 which was 3.35 points (0.29%) higher than the previous business day. JIA and a drug discovery venture for aircraft leasing, Tsunag Solutions, a part-time employment agency, rose. Meanwhile, Mixi of mobile games fell. Artificial intelligence (AI) development PKSHA Technology and HEROZ were also cheap.










東証マザーズ指数も続伸した。終値は前営業日比3.35ポイント(0.29%)高い1151.08だった。航空機リースのJIAや創薬ベンチャーのそーせい、アルバイト採用代行のツナグ・ソリューションズが上昇した。一方、携帯ゲームのミクシィは下落した。人工知能(AI)開発のPKSHA TechnologyやHEROZも安かった。


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