JPX日経中小型株指数 13,529.48 +125.64 (+0.94%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock index 13,529.48 +125.64 (+0.94%)
On the 15th Tokyo stock market, the Nikkei Average made a remarkable rebound for the first time in five business days. The rate of increase is the first time in 2 months.
Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 stock price index fell back for the first time in three business days.
Emerging Stocks 15th Jasdaq and Mothers' Repulsion for the First Time in 4 Days
On the 15th Tokyo stock market, the Nikkei average took a sharp rise in five business days for the first time, finishing in 19,753.31 yen, 216.21 yen (1.11%) higher than the previous day. The rate of increase was the first time in 2 months since June 2. Vigilance against the situation in North Korea declined and investor psychology improved. Purchasing entered a wide range of stocks, mainly overseas investors, pushed the Nikkei average.
As the exchange rate fell to the level of 1 dollar = the level of the 110 yen level, the rise in export related stocks such as precision instruments and electric equipments was conspicuous. Some overseas short-term investors who had inflated the selling holdings of stock index futures following the recession of North Korea's risk moved to buy back, which also led to a rise in the stock market. Kim Jong-en, chairman of the Korean Workers' Party, told the US that he said "I will watch the US action a bit more" about the missile launch plan to the surrounding Guam.
After the buy back took a round, the top price did not increase. Solds waiting to return and sales of profit came out, and in the afternoon there was a lack of sense of direction.
JPX Nikkei index 400 repulsed for the first time in 5 business days. The closing price was 154.31 points (1.1%) higher than the previous day at 10 4363.90. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also rebounded and ended at 1616.21, 17.15 points (1.1%) high.
The trading value of TSE 1 department is estimated at 2,236.3 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 1,650.8 million shares. The number of brands in the first section of the TSE accounted for 1537, accounting for 76% of the total. The price drop was 393, unchanged was 93 stocks.
FUJIFILM received a substantial rise due to the substantial profit increase in the April - June quarter of 2005. Keyence and SMC also rose, Shiseido and Hoya renewed their highs at the beginning of the year. Toyota, Panasonic, Mitsui OSK LTD were expensive. Meanwhile, Komatsu and Sumitomo Mine fell. Asahi was sold after renewing the high price since the beginning of the year.
The TSE 2 stock price index rebounded for the first time in three business days. Toshiba, which accounts for about 20% of the Tokyo Stock Exchange second division market, has rebounded significantly with market capitalization. Sharp is high, J Trust and Laox are cheap.
The Nikkei JASDAQ average stock price rebounded for the first time in 4 business days on the 15th stock market for start-up companies. The closing price was 14.50 yen (0.44%) higher than the previous day at 3300 yen 11 sen. North Korea risk, which had been a heavy burden of growth stock recently, fell back, and buying came in small and medium-sized high-tech stocks such as fellow tech and harmonic stocks. Sorting investment into good performance issues was also active.
The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated at 91.7 billion yen, trading volume was 138.77 million shares. Onkyo, Raquoria, Tanaka Kenkyu rose. On the other hand, Aeria, broccoli, and pyrotechnics fell.
The TSE Mothers index also rebounded slightly for the first time in four days. The closing price was 0.7 points (0.03%) high, 1067.66. Infoteri, Axel M, UNITED rose. Akatsuki, My net, Mixi fell.
新興株15日 ジャスダック、マザーズともに4日ぶり反発
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