

The Tokyo stock market on 20th, the first time in three days, the US market will be closed and aggressive buying and selling will be held
Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 stock index continued to rise slightly for 4 days, Jasdaq stepped up and updated highs last year Mothers opposed

On the 20th Tokyo stock market, the Nikkei Stock Average rebounded for the first time in three days. The closing price was 16.26 yen (0.09%) higher than last weekend at 19,251.08 yen. In the morning the selling which disliked the progress of the yen appreciated was dominant, but as the yen appreciated, the selling pressure slowly retreated. Since the US market will be closed on 20th, aggressive buying and selling will be withheld, the trading value of TSE 1 department was the lowest this year, at 1.7127 trillion yen on an approximate basis.

JPX Nikkei Index 400 repulsed for the first time in three days and ended at 13,875.93, a high 20.46 points (0.15%). The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also rebounded slightly for the first time in three days. The closing price was 2.47 points (0.16%) high, 1547.01.

Trading volume of TSE 1 department was 1,497.39 million shares. The number of the price rise in the first section of the TSE was 1057, the price drop was 783, and it remained unchanged was 162.

Softbank is said to be considering transferring the management rights of Sprint, the leading mobile phone company, to T - Mobile US under Deutsche Telekom. Bridgestone, which announced large-scale share buyback on 17th, also rose. Toyota, Fuji Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi UFJ, and Mitsui Sumitomo FG are also expensive. On the other hand, Fastli and Fanuc, TDK, Nittendo are cheap. Distribution warehouse in Saitama prefecture ASKUL which the mediation of the fire extinction fire did not stand was pushed for selling.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 stock index rose slightly for the fourth day and renewed its highs last year. Sharp, flight HD, Yonex rose, Hitiwan, Futrek lowered.

On the 20th stock market for start-up companies, the average price of Nikkei JASDAQ has postponed for seven days. The closing price was 24.49 yen (0.85%) higher than the last weekend, 2948.54 yen, which was high last year that it was attached to the 17th day of last weekend. Movements continued to color emerging stocks, especially those with good performance.

Because there is no futures trading for the stock index in the JASDAQ market, it is difficult to make large-scale selling, so "once the trend is on the rise it is easy for the market to trend in one direction unless there is a big shock" (domestic securities analyst) There was also pointed out.

The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated at 55.4 billion yen on an approximate basis, and the sales volume was 122.17 million shares. Yasue Construction Store, Onkyo, Aria rose. On the other hand, Ascot and Nuts, Sanno fell.

The TSE Mothers index rebounded. The closing price was 3.40 points (0.35%) higher than last weekend 1028.41. Akatsuki, Ebolub A and My net rose. Meanwhile, Asukanet, Eltez fell.

東証2部株価指数は小幅に4日続伸し、ジャスダック続伸し昨年来高値を更新 マザーズは反発











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