

The Nikkei Stock Average gained on the Tokyo stock market, the first high in three weeks, expected from the new administration's policy
Emerging shares 26th, Jasdaq has postponed its high-value Mothers for the first time in 11 years

On the 26th Tokyo stock market the Nikkei Stock Average continued to rise, finishing in 19402.39 yen, 344.98 yen (1.81%) higher than the previous day. It became high for about three weeks since January 6th. Investors were aware of the acceleration of stock markets that had been stuck in the $ 20,000 market, which was the first time the Dow Jones Industrial Average came to be calculated in the US market on the 25th. The yen stayed at the dollar = 113 yen level in the first half of the year and the dollar depreciated from the previous evening, but the dollar denominated Nikkei 225 average price watched by overseas investors retailed with the financial terminal QUICK 2000 As the highest level has been reached after the month, there is also a side that the expectation of the high stock of Japanese stocks has been strengthened.

What attracted attention in the US market on the 25th is the signing of presidential decree on the construction of walls at Mexico border and construction of oil pipeline by President Trump. Hopes for prompt economic stimulus policy, which had been announced in advance, will be promptly expanded, and buying has also gathered in material stocks that are expected to benefit from the US stimulus package in the Tokyo market. The rise in long-term interest rates in the US, the rise in financial stocks such as mega-banks and securities, also stood out. The number of brands that updated their highs in TSE 1 department increased significantly from 186, 113 on 25th.

The JPX Nikkei index 400 has postponed. The closing price was 223.77 points (1.64%) higher than the previous day at 13,859.63. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) has continued to increase, finishing at 1545.01, 23.43 points (1.54%) higher.

The trading value of the first section of the TSE rose to an average of 2,742.3 billion yen, the first time in about a month since December 16, 2016. Trading volume was 2.3 billion shares. The number of brands in the first section of the TSE accounted for 1599, accounting for about 80% of the total. The price drop was 309, unchanged 94 stocks.

Softbank, Fanuc, Fastry rose. Eastern Elek, Ademest and other semiconductors are solid. Shin-Etsu has renewed its listing coming high. On the other hand, LINE, which did not reach market forecasts for the year ended December 2004, updated its listing lows, International Stone Open Tech was also cheap.

The TSE 2 stock index climbed steadily and renewed its highs last year. Sharp, Futrek rose, AD plasma, MCJ fell.

On the 26th stock market for start-up companies, the average price of Nikkei JASDAQ has steadily increased by 7 days. The closing price was 15.62 yen (0.55%) higher than the previous day, which was 2861.55 yen higher. Updated high in July 2015, the highest level in about 11 years since January 16, 2006 was the highest. Investor psychology improved, including the rise in Nikkei Stock Average exceeding 300 yen due to the flow of US stocks. Individual investors purchased emerging stocks, especially those with good outlook.

The Jasdaq market trading value was roughly 59.6 billion yen, trading volume was 129.4 million shares. Sun electronics and universal, wedge HD rose. On the other hand, Hirata Kiko and Japan Third, terrorism fell.

The TSE Mothers index continued to rise for the fifth day. The closing price was 4.7 points (0.47%) higher than the previous day at 997.73. My net, Evolubble A, remixes rose. In trance, Metapusu, and so on fell.

新興株26日、ジャスダックは11年ぶり高値 マザーズは続伸











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