

JPX日経中小型株指数 15,035.50 +51.95 (+0.35%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock 15,035.50 +51.95 (+0.35%)

On the 7th Tokyo stock market, the Nikkei Average is rising favorably with favorable results of Softbank favorable settlement and Shanghai stock market.
On the stock market for start-up companies, Jasdaq 8th fall, Mothers repulsed

The trading value of TSE 1 department is 2,152.5 billion yen
The number of brands of the first section of the TSE is 1382
The price drop was 644, unchanged was 77.

The Nikkei Stock Average rebounded on the Tokyo stock market on July 7. It was 155 yen 42 yen (0.69%) higher than the previous day and ended at 22,662 yen 74 yen. SOFTBANK increased significantly with the closing of the April - June quarter of 2018, pushing up the Nikkei average by nearly 70 yen with one issue. China's Shanghai stock market, which had put a low price for the first time in about two years and five months the previous day, also greatly rebounded also improved the market psychology and supported the Japanese stock market.

A rise in the US stock quotation on 6th was favored, inviting some of the export related stocks such as electrical equipment and cars to buy from the morning. In the afternoon, overseas investors in the short-term perspective pushed intermittent buying into stock index futures as the Shanghai shares in China sharply declined, also pushed up the spot stock index.

Following the announcement of the financial results, the Japanese steelmaker and Rakuten, etc. were considerably higher, and the color of individual stocks was active. However, the trading value of the TSE 1 department is estimated to be 2,152.5 billion yen on an approximate basis, and the trading volume remains low at 1.34412 million shares. The number of the price rise in the first section of the TSE was 1382, which was over 60% of the total. The price drop was 644, unchanged was 77.

JPX Nikkei index 400 repulsed for the first time in 4 business days. The closing price was 120.41 points (0.78%) higher than the previous day at 10 5460.54. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also ended up at 1746.05, 13.15 points (0.76%) high, rebounding for the first time in four days.

Suzuki and SUBARU are expensive. The raise of KDDI and NTT data was conspicuous. Meanwhile, FAST RETAILING and FANUC fell. Sales also dominated Shiseido.

The Nikkei JASDAQ stock averaged 8 days on the 7th stock market for start-up companies. Closing price closed at a low of 3746.87 yen, down 20 yen 80 (0.55%) from the previous day. It marked the lowest level for the first time in about a month since July 6. With domestic companies announcing settlement of accounts one after another, interests of individual investors headed toward stocks listed on the first section of the TSE, and buying to emerging stocks was limited. As the Nikkei Average stock price rose as a result of the Shanghai stock market price hit against China, the Jasdaq average expanded gradually.

The trading value of the JASDAQ market was estimated at 44 billion yen on an approximate basis, and the transaction volume was 73.78 million shares.

McDonald's and Celia fell as a result of the monthly performance trend in July.

The TSE Mothers index rebounded after three business days for the first time and the closing price was 3.15 points (0.31%) higher than the previous day at 1009.96. The number of stocks exceeded the price rise above the number of stocks, but the rise in stocks with the highest market capitalization such as Mercari and Soft, and PKSHA Technology supported the index. Also raised ALBERT and UNITED. Meanwhile, Acrylate, MTG, and Proled have been lowered.











東証マザーズ指数は3営業日ぶりに反発し、終値は前日比3.15ポイント(0.31%)高の1009.96だった。値下がり銘柄数が値上がり銘柄数を上回ったが、メルカリやそーせい、PKSHA Technologyといった時価総額上位の銘柄の上昇が指数を支えた。ALBERTやUNITEDも上げた。一方、アクリートやMTG、プロレドは下げた。


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