JPX日経中小型株指数 15,238.49 -50.16 (-0.33%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock 15,238.49 -50.16 (-0.33%)
On the 26th Tokyo stock market Nikkei Stock Average is slightly upbeat but rebounded for three business days
The Nikkei Jasdaq stock average fell for three days in the stock market for start-up companies, TSE Mothers index slightly repulsed for the first time in three business days.
The trading value of TSE 1 department is estimated at 2,034.1 billion yen
The number of brands in the TSE 1 department is 1209
The price drop is 797
Unchanged 85
On the 26th Tokyo stock market Nikkei Stock Average slightly repulsed for the first time in three business days. It ended up at just 23,842 yen, which was 3. 85 yen (0.02%) higher than the previous day. Although selling was dominant in the morning, despite the disappointing rally in the US stock market on 25th, overseas hedge fund strengthened repurchase to the inexpensive shares such as banks and boosted the market as a whole.
On the 26th, since it falls on the final trade date with the right to distribute dividends of June and December closing companies, there were also purchases aimed at acquiring rights such as dividends.
The Nikkei average has fallen by more than 200 yen in the morning from the trump US administration and vigilance against trade conflict with each country. Investor psychology also shadowed the fact that stocks in Asian countries and regions began to decline. However, the lower price support level on the chart analysis such as the 200-day moving average was conscious, and the bargain buying increased on the lower price.
JPX Nikkei index 400 repulsed for the first time in 4 business days. The closing price was 27.55 points (0.18%) higher than the previous day at 15,350.85. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also ended up at 1731.07, up 2.80 points (0.16%), the first time in four days.
The trading value of TSE 1 department is estimated at 2,034.1 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 1,354.43 million shares. The number of the price rise in the TSE 1st section was 1209, the price drop was 797, 85 marks were unchanged.
KDDI and FANUC are expensive. Tokyo Electron started turning up. Takashimaya rose. Meanwhile, FAST RETAILING and Shiseido's downturn were conspicuous.
The average stock price of Nikkei Jasdaq dropped 3 days in the stock market for emerging companies on 26th, finishing with 3863.49 yen, down 15.87 (0.41%) from the previous day. As concerns about rice-US and Chinese trade faltered, selling continued to emerging stocks whose price fluctuation was larger than that of the TSE 1st issue.
The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated to be 62 billion yen on an approximate basis and the sales volume was 140.62 million shares. Japan Macdonald Holdings, Universal, Excite fell. On the other hand, terrorism and harmonic of communication equipment sales, Jay Holdings of real estate sales and mediation rose.
The TSE Mothers index fell back slightly for the first time in 3 business days, finishing at 1073.08, 0.02 points (0.00%) high. Since the beginning of the year at the beginning of the year yesterday, consultation purchase entered because adjustment took place for the moment. Metapops and PKSHA Technology, CYBERDYNE raised. On the other hand, ALBERT and UNITED, San Bio lowered.
東証マザーズ指数は3営業日ぶりに小幅ながら反発し、0.02ポイント(0.00%)高の1073.08で終えた。前日に年初来安値をつけたため、調整がひとまず一巡したとして打診買いが入った。メタップスやPKSHA Technology、CYBERDYNEが上げた。一方、ALBERTやUNITED、サンバイオは下げた。
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