JPX日経中小型株指数 15,496.40 +5.05 (+0.03%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock 15,496.40 +5.05 (+0.03%)
The Nikkei Average is down on the Tokyo stock market on the 25th
We are wary of US stock price depreciation on Friday, centering on US Caterpillar giant Caterpillar.
Although the index is downwards, the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange has a higher number than the stock price rise in price rise.
Jasdaq and Mothers' small margin.
The Nikkei Stock Average fell back on the 25th Tokyo stock market and ended at 22,215.32 yen, down 62.80 yen (0.28%) from the previous day. The disappointing US stock weakness on 24th, mainly of Caterpillar of US Construction Machinery, and stocks susceptible to global economic fluctuations such as machinery and electric machinery were sold. On the other hand, in addition to observing the BOJ's purchase of a listed investment trust (ETF), rise in domestic demand related stocks such as insurance and electricity and gas supported the lower price.
As the exchange rate fell to around 109 yen per dollar, buying came in automobile stocks and other markets from the improvement observation of export profit and the market as a whole went down. However, as Asian stocks like Hong Kong and South Korea declined, the Nikkei average did not turn upwards on the previous day.
JPX Nikkei index 400 is down. The closing price was 24,31 points (0.16%) lower than the previous day at 15,619.67. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) fell slightly, finishing at 1767.73, down 2.02 points (0.11%).
The trading value of TSE 1 department is estimated at 2,479.9 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 1,423.46 million shares. The number of stocks in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange dropped to 894, 43% of the total. Price rise was 1077, unchanged 109.
Takeda's downward trend, which was reported as having entered the final adjustment with the acquisition agreement of Ireland's pharmaceutical leader Shire, stood out. SMC, Komatsu, Daikin were sold. Tokyo Electron, Nidec and Fanuc also fell. Meanwhile, Eisai raised the target stock price by brokerage firms. The rise of Otsuka Holdings was conspicuous. Kansai Electric Power, T & D Holdings, Yamato HD are high.
On the 25th stock market for start-up companies, the average price of Nikkei JASDAQ continued to rise for 4 days. The closing price was ¥ 2 52.5 (0.06%) higher than the previous day, 3953 91 91. Even though the morning fell backward, the inflow of individual investors and other individuals continued to small and medium-sized stocks with relatively low price movements, as the price of large stocks listed on TSE 1 became heavier.
The Jasdaq market trading value was roughly 59.4 billion yen, trading volume was 16010.7 million shares. Techno Horizon Holdings of FA / Optical Equipment, R & D Drug Discovery of Drug Discovery Venture, Biological Venture Medical Biology Laboratory rose. On the other hand, Harmonic of Precision Reduction Equipment Manufacturers and Ceria of 100 Yen Shop Major, and Ennet Japan, a Major Job offering, fell.
The TSE Mothers index continued to rise for 4 days with a small amount. The closing price was 1140.70, 0.04 points higher than the previous day. PKSHA Technology of AI development, TKP major conference room and JIA of aircraft lease rose. Meanwhile, the mix of mobile games Mr. Cyberdyne, a nursing robot and drug discovery venture fell.
東証マザーズ指数も小幅ながら4日続伸した。終値は前日比0.04ポイント高い1140.70だった。AI開発のPKSHA Technologyや貸会議室大手のTKP、航空機リースのJIAが上昇した。一方、携帯ゲームのミクシィや介護用ロボットのサイバダイン、創薬ベンチャーのそーせいが下落した。
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