JPX日経中小型株指数 15,343.59 -50.29 (-0.33%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock 15,343.59 -50.29 (-0.33%)
The Nikkei Average is falling on the 23rd Tokyo stock market.
Maritime and shipbuilding rose as the Baltic Shipping Index rose.
Stock markets for emerging companies, Jasdaq and Mothers a small margin up.
On the 23rd Tokyo stock market the Nikkei average price fell. The closing price fell by 74.20 yen (0.33%) from the weekend end to 22,888 yen 04 yen. Apple shares plummeted on the 20th US stock market was disgusted.
Tokyo stock market was also wary of a decline in demand for smartphones, related stocks such as TDK and Alps that supply electronic parts fell, dropping the stock price index.
Selling also came on defensive brands such as foodstuffs. There was pointed out that there was selling for overseas trend adjustment for the market in the market. Meanwhile, economic sensitive stocks including shipping and shipbuilding rose.
However, the downward range was small, and in the morning the Nikkei average turned to a raise. In the foreign exchange market, the exchange rate settled at the dollar level of 107 yen level in the latter half, and the warning against the yen appreciation weakening corporate performance weakened.
The JPX Nikkei Index 400 has fallen. The closing price was 6,48 points (0.04%) lower than last weekend at 10 5472.95. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) fell back slightly. It fell 0.34 points (0.02%) at the end of 1750.79.
The trading value of TSE 1 department is estimated at 2,016.1 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 1,333,830,000 shares. The number of stocks in the first section of the TSE was 1035, the price rise was 955, and it did not change it was 91 stocks.
The fall of Otsuka Holdings and Daiichi Sankyo was conspicuous. Kirin Holdings and Rakuten are also lowered, SOFTBANK and Sony are also cheap. SUMCO and JT were also soft. Meanwhile, Dai-ichi Life HD and T & D Holdings rose sharply, and Nintendo and Monex Group were also strong.
The Nikkei Jasdaq Stock Average has narrowed slightly in the stock market for start-up companies on the 23rd. The closing price was 8.31 yen (0.20%) higher than last weekend 3937 02 yen. Forecasts of inflows of individual investors etc. continued to small and medium-sized stocks with relatively low price movements, as the price of large-scale stocks listed on the TSE 1 department got heavier in anticipation of full-scale announcement of earnings results for companies in March. The market as a whole lacked sense of direction and the color to the brand that material was separately stood out.
The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated to be 53.5 billion yen on an approximate basis and sales volume was 197.4 million shares. The e-book forside, Pachislot machine giant Universal, information system software development SAMURAI & J PARTNERS rose. On the other hand, the Nex Group of wireless communication device development, En-Japan, a leading online recruiter, and Harmonic Drive Systems, a manufacturer of precision speed reducers, fell.
The TSE Mothers index also gained moderately steady, with closing prices rising 1.30 points (0.11%) to 1135.63 over the previous weekend. Palma, who announced a capital contribution by a subsidiary of Japan Post on the 17th, stopped high every day, besides consulting bay current consulting and drug discovery venture. On the other hand, UNITED of smartphone advertisement, GW of job change and employment information site, Money forward of household account book downed.
ジャスダック市場の売買代金は概算で535億円、売買高は1億974万株だった。電子書籍のフォーサイドやパチスロ機大手のユニバーサル、情報システム・ソフト開発のSAMURAI&J PARTNERSが上昇した。半面、無線通信機器開発のネクスグループやネット求人大手のエン・ジャパン、精密減速機メーカーのハーモニック・ドライブ・システムズは下落した。
東証マザーズ指数も小幅続伸となり、終値は前週末比1.30ポイント(0.11%)高の1135.63だった。17日に日本郵政の子会社による出資を発表したパルマが連日でストップ高となったほか、コンサルティングのベイカレント・コンサルティングや創薬ベンチャーのそーせいが上げた。一方、スマートフォン広告のUNITEDや転職・就職情報サイトのGW、家計簿アプリのマネーフォワード は下げた。
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