

JPX日経中小型株指数 14,760.43 -158.30 (-1.06%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock 14,760.43 -158.30 (-1.06%)

The Nikkei Stock Average has declined on the 13th Tokyo stock market.
Emerging stocks 13 days Jasdaq and the mothers falling
In the afternoon, the appreciation of the yen advanced, futures sales of short-term-oriented investors who had been raising their share in the stock market since the beginning of the year have come out and are one step lower.

The Nikkei Stock Average has declined on the Tokyo stock market on Thursday. The closing price was 134.94 yen (0.65%) lower than last weekend, 20, 1244 68 yen. In the foreign exchange market the yen exchange rate rose to the dollar of 108 yen level, the selling became dominant over export related stocks such as automobile stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average of 30 US dollars on the 12th was closed on the Tokyo market, which was higher than the dollar's average of 410 dollars in the morning, buying was ahead of the buyers, but selling of waiting for return came out as sluggishness stagnated. In the afternoon, the appreciation of the yen advanced, and short-term investors who had been raising their stakes in the stock market since the beginning of the year have made a loss, leading to a loss selling futures.

While the US long-term interest rate has stopped high, the risk of the US stock market regaining again was also conscious.

The JPX Nikkei Index 400 has fallen. The closing price was 133.72 points (0.87%) lower than last weekend, 15,088.86. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also closed down, finishing at 1716.78, down 15.19 points (0.88%).

Trading price of TSE 1 department is estimated at 3,712.6 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 1,962,239,000 shares. The number of stocks in the first section of the TSE accounted for 1366, accounting for about 66% of the total. Price rise was 629, unchanged 70 stocks.

NTT, which announced the settlement of accounts for the April - December quarter of 2017 at the last weekend, fell sharply. Toyota and JT with large market capitalization lowered. On the other hand, SOFTBANK rose. Shiseido and Toray and others have bought hopes for a performance expansion.

The Nikkei JASDAQ average stock price fell on the 13th stock market for start-up companies. The closing price was 25.37 yen (0.65%) cheaper than the previous weekend 3906 18 yen. In the afternoon the Nikkei average price began to decline and also the selling to avoid operational risk spread widely in the stock market for start-up companies. High-tech stocks such as precision gear reducer maker's harmonics and image inspection equipment visco, etc. were conspicuous.

The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated at 116 billion yen, trading volume was 149.23 million shares. Rakuolia drug discovery announced the prospect of expanding the final deficit in the current term fell sharply with business. Real estate related issues such as Ming Feng Enterprise and Latham were also cheap. On the other hand, En Japan and Japan Macdonald Holdings rose.

The TSE Mothers index fell. The closing price was 31.10 points (2.61%) cheaper than the previous weekend 1160.63. Brands with big market capitalization, such as PKSHA Technology and Gosho Group, went down. Meanwhile, the purchase entered individual stocks such as Japan Aqua which announced the change of market segment to TSE 1 department and Platz which announced implementation of stock split.

新興株13日 ジャスダックとマザーズ続落









東証マザーズ指数は続落した。終値は前週末比31.10ポイント(2.61%)安い1160.63だった。PKSHA Technologyやそーせいグループといった時価総額が大きい銘柄が下げた。一方で、東証1部への市場区分変更を発表した日本アクアや株式分割の実施を公表したプラッツなど個別に材料の出た銘柄に買いが入った。


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