JPX日経中小型株指数 13,253.68 -88.13 (-0.66%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock index 13,253.68 -88.13 (-0.66%)
The Nikkei 225 average stock price declined on the 7th Tokyo stock market, broken by 20,000 yen every day
I am disgusted by the weaker stocks in the US and Europe. The Bank of Japan's bidding price operation and the depreciation of the yen against the euro have lowered.
Jasdaq Suzuki, Mothers' rebound Individual color
The Nikkei Stock Average closed down on the Tokyo stock market on July 7, finishing off the level of 20,000 yen for 2 consecutive days, down 64.97 yen (0.32%) cheaper than the previous day to 11,929 yen 09. The disappointing of the weaker stocks in Europe and the United States triggered by the global rise in interest rates, the selling of Japanese stocks preceded. Just after 10 o'clock, the Bank of Japan carried out a limit price operation for the first time in five months, and when the exchange rate swung to a weak yen / dollar high, the bargain purchase came down and it went down.
The low of the day was 137 yen lower compared to the day before closing. In addition to underwriting the weakening of the stocks of Europe and the United States, in addition to the closing day of the closing investment trust (ETF) closing settlement day, the investment company also sold for distribution purpose. In the afternoon, a handover appeared spreading ahead of Japan's announcement of US employment statistics in June night time. In the lower price, the Nikkei average was breaking the mark and the movement of buying a bargain was also vigorous.
The JPX Nikkei index 400 has fallen. The closing price was 75.02 points (0.52%) cheaper than the previous day and it was 14,321.41. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also closed down, finishing at 1607.06 cheaper by 8.47 points (0.52%).
The trading value of TSE 1 department is estimated at 2,027.3 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 1,653,750,000 shares. The number of stocks in the TSE 1 department accounted for 1471, accounting for over 70% of the total. The price rise was 455, unchanged was 95.
Canon, Panasonic, Orix was sold. Large gas, Kansai Electric, Chubu Electric lowered. Mitsui, Ryji and Sumitomo failed. Insurance stocks such as Dai-ichi Life HD, T & D, MS & AD were bought. Toshiba, Nichi Denki and Daikin raised.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 stock index closed down as well. Sharp and DNA chips dropped, and Fumakira and Pixela raised.
The Nikkei JASDAQ stock average was up 3 days on the 7th stock market for start-up companies. The closing price was 5.26 yen (0.16%) higher than the previous day was 3264.52 yen. Individual investor 's willingness to stare strongly, funds flowed into stocks with good material. On the other hand, the high price caution felt the smoldering profit confirmed selling kept the upper price down. Some of the brands of color trends changed swiftly, and stocks which made rough movements by investors' buying and selling aimed at short-term margins also stood out.
The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated at 85 billion yen on an approximate basis and trading volume was 247.93 million shares. McDonald's and Japan's best software rose. Traders turned into a rise as trading was interlaced. On the other hand, Forsaid and Aria fell.
The TSE Mothers index protested. The closing price was 1160.82 which was 8.12 points (0.70%) higher than the previous day. Remixes announced to apply for market changes to the Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 department were significantly higher. Dorikomu and Saipe stepped up. Infoteri ended up after riding. Meanwhile, JIA which announced large-scale capital increase was lowered.
ジャスダック続伸、マザーズ反発 個人の物色根強い
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