JPX日経中小型株指数 13,314.18 +77.09 (+0.58%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock index 13,314.18 +77.09 (+0.58%)
On the 26th Tokyo stock market the Nikkei Stock Average gained a moderate rise, and buy orders continued on small and medium type stocks.
The high price since the closest approach to Nintendo's stock price of 40,000 yen.
Takata excluded shares from constituents of the Nikkei 500 average stock price on the 27th due to the designation of stocks listed in Takata
Both Jasdaq and Mothers are high prices due to rebound.
On the 26th Tokyo stock market, the Nikkei average closed down slightly, finishing at 20,153.35 yen, rising by 20.68 (0.1 percent) from the previous weekend. In order to reach the last trade date with rights of the closing company of the June or December fiscal year tomorrow 27th, the purchase of rights acquisition supported the index.
The Nikkei average ended over the 20,000 yen range for six consecutive days. There was a scene which rises to around 20,000 yen which is about 60 yen higher than last weekend in the morning. Some values such as East Elek, Fastry, Fanuc and others were bought. After the end of the purchase, the orders of domestic and foreign investors were few at the beginning of the week, and the momentum of chasing upwards was also limited due to the conspicuous fall in banks and insurance stocks with large market capitalization.
Even after entering the afternoon, the trading price continued to expand excitement, the trading value of TSE 1 department was estimated at 1,750.5 billion yen, the lowest level since April 17, which was the lowest this year. The daytime price range, which is the difference between the high and low points during the Nikkei 225 average trading hours, was about 77 yen, which was less than 100 yen for five consecutive days.
JPX Nikkei Index 400 declined slightly. The closing price was 1.37 points (0.01%) lower than last weekend at 10 4330.97. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) continued a small margin, finishing at 1612.21, 0.87 points (0.05%) high.
Trading volume of TSE 1 department was 1,395.6 million shares. The number of brands in the first section of the TSE was 1104, 54.6% of the total. The price drop was 775, unchanged 142 stocks.
Nintendo renewed its highs at the beginning of the year every day. It surpassed Honda in the market capitalization ranking of the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and climbed to 12th place. East Electric and JT rose, Panasonic and Hoya renewed their highs at the beginning of the year. On the other hand, Toshiba, which will change its designation to 2 copies on 1 August, fell sharply. Financial stocks such as Nomura, Sumitomo Mitsui FG, SOMPO and others fell, led to the weight of the index's upper price.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 stock index fell back. Sharp and Marco got up, and Pixela and G. Three lowered.
The Nikkei JASDAQ average stock price rebounded on the 26th stock market for start-up companies. The closing price was 3259.57 yen, 16.60 yen (0.51%) higher than last weekend. While the mobility of large-scale stocks was thin, the color of small and medium-sized stocks with high growth expectations and low price movements continued. Flows flowed into brands with good materials such as broccoli announced to deliver new smartphone games in the summer, stocks that bought favorably with the likelihood of the price widely scored remarkable. Passport and other RIZAP related items were also expensive.
The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated to be 105.7 billion yen in approximate amount and sales volume was 305.33 million shares. Traders and Forcid partnered with system development company in virtual currency settlement rose. On the other hand, Onkyo started turning. Selling was also dominant in Aeria.
The TSE Mothers index protested. The closing price was 26.80 points (2.28%) higher than last weekend 1202.40. Remix, Akatsuki, MobCas rose. Silicon stars and Angels fell.
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