JPX日経中小型株指数 12,530.06 +89.89 (+0.72%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock index 12,530.06 +89.89 (+0.72%)
Nikkei 225 average price on Tokyo stock market repulsed for the first time in three days
Buying is focused on good performance stocks.
East Electron is the highest price in 16 years.
Emerging stocks one day Jasdaq continued on the 5th. The Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Index, TSE 2 Stock Price Index was rebound.
The Nikkei Stock Average rebounded for the first time in three days on the Tokyo stock market on the 1st, finishing in 13,310.55 yen, 113.78 yen (0.59%) higher than last weekend. As the yen's depreciation advanced in the foreign exchange market as the uncertainty over the politics of the United States was softened, the buying that expected the improvement of profitable exports to the main stock was dominant all day. In the afternoon, the Nikkei average raise exceeded 100 yen and ended at a high price on almost this day.
In the morning it was reported that the US Congress had tentatively agreed on the expenditure bill, the uncertainty over the politics of the US relaxed and buying became dominant. Even after entering the afternoon, it continued to buy good performance stocks, pushing up the index. East Elek, which announced the consolidated settlement of accounts for the fiscal year ending March 2005 after the end of the transaction on April 28, was bought up to the level for the first time in 16 years and 8 months since September 2000 and pushed the Nikkei average by about 65 yen for one issue .
Fujitsu, whose consolidated net income (International Accounting Standard) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018 is expected to renew its highest profit for the first time in 3 years, has also increased significantly, rising to the level for the first time in two years since April 15, 2003. In the TOPIX by industry category, electrical equipment is the leader in terms of the rate of increase, and since the 14th of March, it has renewed its highest yesterday's value for the first time in a month and a half.
The Nikkei average on the first day, which is the first day of the May market, rebounded. Since July 2016, the Nikkei average for the first business day of every month has risen for 11 consecutive months.
JPX Nikkei index 400 repulsed for the first time in three days. The closing price was 67.50 points (0.49%) higher than last weekend at 13,759.04. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also rebounded, finishing at 1539.77, 7.97 points (0.52%) high.
Trading price of TSE 1 department is estimated at 2,221.7 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 1,760,680,000 shares. The number of brands in the TSE 1 section rose to 1337, accounting for over 60% of the total. The price drop was 571, unchanged 108 stocks.
Nitto Denko and Murata Manufacturers rose. Toshiba and Mitsubishi Den are also high, Keyence and Sony updated their highs at the beginning of the year. On the other hand, JAL and ANA fell. Resona HD and Mazda also fell, and large gas renewed the lows for the beginning of the year.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 stock index fell back. Sharp and Pepper raised, J Trust and ASTI lowered.
The Nikkei Jasdaq stock average continued to rise for 5 days on the day for start-up companies stock market. The closing price was 189.69 yen (0.63%) higher than last weekend at 2997.24 yen. On the same day as East Electric announced a substantial increase in earnings settlement on April 28, in the emerging markets also, associate buying came in association with semiconductor related issues such as Nomura Micro, Inner and Outer Tech, Hirata Machine Works.
The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated to be 43.7 billion yen, trading volume was 5412 million shares. Aeria of online game management is also expensive. On the other hand, Cave, Fireman and Infocom fell.
The TSE Mothers index rebounded. The closing price was 3.4 points (0.35%) higher than last weekend 1034.11. Akatsuki, Cystep, Phase rose. A lot of stocks listed on Mothers have cash on sale to fund the purchase of semiconductor shares in many bio stocks. Soreiasia, Grimpep, and so on fell.
新興株1日 ジャスダックは、5日続伸。東証マザーズ指数、東証2部株価指数は反発。
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