

JPX日経中小型株指数 12,447.26 -32.34 (-0.26%)
JPX Nikkei small and medium type stock index 12,447.26 -32.34 (-0.26%)

The Nikkei 225 average stock price rebounded for the first time in 4 business days on the 23rd Tokyo stock market
Emerging stocks repulsed by Jasdaq and Mothers
Domestic buyers are buying up and domestic demand shares are strong

On the 23rd Tokyo stock market, the Nikkei average was up against four business days for the first time. It ended the transaction with 43.93 yen (0.23%) higher than the previous day at 10, 9085 31 yen. The Nikkei average began to temporarily lower, keeping pace with the fact that the yen's exchange rate was temporarily strong, but it picked up with support from domestic institutional investors and other buying points. In response to a drastic depreciation of the previous day, buyers expecting a short-term opposition to the stock price also entered.
Before voting against the alternative bill of Obama Care (Medical Insurance System Reform Act) on 23rd in the U.S., the mood spreading to seek aggressive trading has spread. In the foreign exchange market, if the yen's price is strong, the Nikkei average also turned downward.
When the witness's summons surrounding the acquisition of the state-owned land of the school corporation "Moriho Gakuen" (Osaka city) started at the budget budget committee around 10 am, there was a scene including the stock price being slightly weak.

The Nikkei average temporarily fell to 67,933 yen, down 67 yen. It has fallen short of the 19,000 yen mark for the first time in about a month since February 27 as during trading hours.

JPX Nikkei index 400 repeled slightly for the first time in 4 business days. The closing price was 9.12 points (0.07%) higher than the previous day at 13,688.70. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also ended up at 1530.41, rising 0.21 points (0.01%), rising for the first time in 4 business days.

The trading value of TSE 1 department was estimated at 2,190.5 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 1,755.63 million shares. The number of high-priced stocks in the first section of the TSE exceeded 40% of the total of 824. The price drop was 1037, unchanged it was 149 issues.

Domestic demand related stocks that are hard to be affected by foreign exchange fluctuations are bought, Asahi renewed its highs last year, and Kirin HD also rose. Toshiba aiming for rebuilding business recovered to the 200 yen range. On the other hand, Mitsubishi UFJ fell, with expectations for relaxation of US financial deregulation recessed. Nintendo which sells for profit-seeking purpose got backwards, and the lowering of Dee Nue collaborating on smartphone · game was conspicuous.

The TSE 2 stock index fell for the fourth day. Sharp, Alde pro lowered, Full Tech, Asahi INTECH raised.

The Nikkei Jasdaq Stock Average slightly rebounded on the 23rd stock market for startup companies. The closing price was 2,01 yen (0.07%) higher than the previous day at 3025.86 yen. Buying dominated mainly domestic demand related stocks whose performance is hardly influenced by overseas political and economic circumstances. Ceria of 100 yen shop and En Japan of change job intermediation site rose.

The TSE Mothers index rebounded. The closing price was 10.47 points (1.04%) high, 1044.13. I listened to the latest listing, faith, power source HD raised. It is also expensive. Meanwhile, beagle, cycling and akatsuki fell.

新興株23日 ジャスダックとマザーズが反発
国内勢が押し目買い 内需株が堅調










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