The Nikkei Stock Average declined slightly on the 28th Tokyo stock market
Profit fixed sales, trading value for the first time in 1 year low level
On the 28th, Jasdaq's high-priced Mothers lasted a year
On the 28th Tokyo stock market the Nikkei average was down slightly. The closing price was 1, 34 yen (0.01%) lower than the previous day at 19,901.72 yen. Investors who had been late bought a bargain with a lower price, but were forced to sell to confirm their immediate earnings. At the end of the year, there were few market participants and aggressive sales were also refrained. The trading value of the TSE 1 department was estimated at 1,559.1 billion yen on an approximate basis, the lowest level in one year since December 28, 2015.
In the end of December year the dividend right falling day was also pushed by the selling of hands-on purpose accompanying vesting. Large-sized stocks that have been driving the market until recently have been sold, while on the other hand the color of medium-sized small stocks entered. The buying which expected to increase performance such as semiconductor related stocks and nonferrous metals also supported the market.
JPX Nikkei index 400 repulsed a small amount for the first time in five days, finishing at 13,780.50, 4.82 points (0.03%) higher than the previous day. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also rebounded slightly for the first time in five days. The closing price was 0.536 points (0.04%) high, 1536.80.
Trading volume of the first section of the TSE was 1,311.43 million shares. The number of stocks in the TSE 1 department was 474, the price increase was 1411 overall, 109 was unchanged.
Toshiba announced on Tuesday 27th that Toshiba announced that there was a possibility of hundreds of billions of yen impairment loss in the nuclear power generation business in the US, the selling expanded and it ended with the lower limit (stop low) of the limit price range. Megabanks such as Mitsubishi UFJ, Mitsui Sumitomo FG and Mizuho FG were also pushed for sale. Meanwhile, Keyence and Mitsubishi Denki were bought from the expectation for performance growth. The Hitachi engineer who received the acquisition observation by the US investment fund is high.
The TSE 2 stock index climbed 3 days. The closing price was 842.4 points (1.63%) higher than the previous day at 5239.83, which has been the highest since 10 February 2006, the highest since 10 years and 10 months. Sharp, Mercury, Asahi INTECH rose, Intertre, Flight HD fell.
The Nikkei Jasdaq stock average continued to rise for three days on the 28th stock market for start-up companies, renewing the high price since the beginning of the year every day. The closing price was 1437.66 yen, 14.28 yen (0.52 percent) higher than the previous day. The rise in US stocks during Christmas vacation and the flow of recent semiconductor stocks pushed the Jasdaq average. The Jasdaq market trading value was estimated to be 55.5 billion yen, trading volume was 122.57 million shares. Aeria and Hirata machinery and others rose. On the other hand, McDonald's and Traders fell.
The TSE Mothers index continued to rise for three days. The closing price was 11.34 points (1.22%) higher than the previous day at 938.52. Mobcas and so on rose. Ignis and Metapus fell.
新興株28日、ジャスダックは年初来高値 マザーズは続伸
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