Today's transaction ended on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. As the yen weakened, we bought export related stocks and continued on the 6th, and this year, the high since January 5
Emerging stocks 24th, Jasdaq continues on August 8th Mothers falls
On the 24th Tokyo stock market, the Nikkei Stock Average went on for six days. The closing price was 170.37 yen (0.94%) higher than the previous business day, 18,333.34 yen, a high price since January 5th. Long-term interest rates rose to the high level for the first time in a year and four months on the 23rd US market. The yen exchange rate fell to the dollar / 112 yen level in the foreign exchange market against the backdrop of the expansion of the difference in interest rates between the US and Japan. As expectations for the improvement in the performance of export-related companies have further increased with the progress of the depreciation of the yen, overseas investors and others moved to buy automobile stocks. As the US market closed on the 24th, close to the high price of 18,450 yen at the beginning of the year, it was easier to sell profits and kept the upper price down.
JPX Nikkei Index 400 continued to rise 10th, it was 122.30 points (0.94 percent) higher than the previous business day, 10,315.50. Continuation on 10th is the length since the last day of 12th from February 6th to 20th 2015. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also continued on Tuesday, rising by 12.46 points (0.86%) to 1459.96. TOPIX's 10th consecutive daily record will be the record since the 15th day of May 15th to the 1st of June 15th after the consecutive 12th.
The trading value of TSE 1 department was estimated at 2,618.3 billion yen on an approximate basis. Trading volume was 2,367.33 million shares. The number of brands in the first section of the TSE accounted for 1157 and 58% of the total. The price drop was 720, unchanged 112 stocks.
Automobile stocks such as Toyota and Honda rose. Electronic parts stocks such as TDK also bought the purchase. Ichiko was extremely expensive. Kawagoe raised with buying and selling. On the other hand, Mitsubishi UFJ and Nintendo fell backward. Eisai also lowered pharmaceuticals stocks. A corner of food stocks such as Japan Ham is also cheap.
The TSE 2 stock index climbed 8 days. It has updated its high price since the beginning of the year and recovered the level since December 7, 15th. Sharp and Mercury raised. On the other hand, Flight HD and Art SHD have lowered
On the 24th stock market for startups, the average stock price of Nikkei JASDAQ lasted eight days. The closing price was updated to 3,65 yen (0.13%) higher than the previous business day by 2644.8 yen, the highest yesterday's high for the second consecutive day. With the yen depreciation and dollar boosting the Nikkei Stock Average continuing for the sixth day, individual investors focused on short-term transactions picked up stocks with little price fluctuations and bad luck even in emerging markets.
The Jasdaq market trading value was roughly 50.7 billion yen, trading volume was 122.71 million shares. Ascott, Nuts, Tech Pham rose. On the other hand, FVC, Astomax, Wedge HD fell.
The TSE Mothers index fell back. The closing price was 5.30 points (0.57%) cheaper than the previous business day 924.11. So so WASH Howe, Ignis fell. Grimpept and MobCas, Metapse rose.
新興株24日、ジャスダックは8日続伸 マザーズは反落
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