

Today's transaction ended on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Nikkei 225, the first small recession in four days However, the falling width is limited
The TSE stock index (TOPIX) continued on April 4, rising by 2.98 points (0.21%) to 1402.98, a high price since April 22
Emerging Stocks 15th, Jasdaq and Mothers Postponement of Afternoon Afternoon Expansion

On the 15th Tokyo stock market the Nikkei average closed down slightly for the first time in four business days. The closing price was 4,74 yen (0.03%) lower than the previous day and it was 17,668 yen 15 yen. It was pushed by selling to determine the profit with a drastic reaction to the previous day. The expectation that profitability of Japanese companies will improve due to the depreciation of the yen against the yen was strong, the lower price was limited. The Nikkei average is also raising time, and it is 17 7727 yen at one time, and it is high for the first time in nine months and a half since February 2 as trading time.

In the morning, we liked the rice price on the previous day, buying took precedence. After the end of the round, the seller became dominant, but buying continued to a part of the financial stocks and the main stocks that had been neglected by the cheapest.

Since long-term interest rates are increasing worldwide as a result of the presidential election in the United States, it was pointed out that many investors are being forced to shift their investment strategies.

JPX Nikkei index 400 continued to rise for 4 days, rising by 31.99 points (0.25%) to 12,615.04 with a high price since April 26. The TSE stock index (TOPIX) also continued on April 4, rising 2.98 points (0.21%) to 1402.98, a high price since April 22.

The trading value of TSE 1 department was estimated at 2,588.8 billion yen on an approximate basis and the sales volume was 2,494,880,000 shares. The number of stocks in the TSE 1 department was 1039, the price rise was 809, unchanged was 138.

Megabanks such as Mitsubishi UFJ, Mitsui Sumitomo FG, and Mizuho FG who announced their settlement on the 14th are high. Yaman who upgraded its performance outlook was also bought. We also raised Toyota and Fuji Heavy from the expectation that export profit will improve with the depreciation of the yen. On the other hand, Hokuetsu Kishu newspaper downwardly revised its business outlook is cheap. One corner of railway stocks such as JR Tokai and JR East was forced to sell.

The TSE 2 stock index climbed steadily. Flight HD, Asahi Intec, TechnoSmart rose, Art SHD, Zojirushi, Yasukawa information fell.

On the 15th stock market for startups, the average price of Nikkei JASDAQ averaged a little. The closing price was 2, 41 yen (0.09%) higher than the previous day, 2585 yen 08 yen. The closing point was falling, but it increased steeply in the afternoon. Brands that announced settlement of accounts after the closing of the previous day's transactions were individually painted.

The Jasdaq market trading value was roughly 48.7 billion yen, trading volume was 87.36 million shares. FVC, Ascot, Maruman rose. On the other hand, Septeni HD, Cruise, Celia fell.

The TSE Mothers index continued to postpone. From the afternoon it expanded the gap and the closing price was 886.21 which was 15.92 points (1.83%) higher than the previous day. So the Metapus and Cyberdyne rose. The BlanTrans, Akatsuki, and My net fell.

東京証券取引所の本日の取引終了。 日経225は、4日ぶり小反落ただし、下落幅は限定
新興株15日、ジャスダックとマザーズ続伸 午後じり高の展開












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