Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, repurchased 3 days after rebound gains temporary 400 yen weak yen
Emerging Stock 29 days, trading value of JASDAQ rebound Mothers, low-level first time in three years
The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 29 days to rebound for the first time in three business days, it was the previous weekend ratio 376 yen 78 sen (2.30%) high 16,737 yen 49 sen. Before receiving a statement of Ieren chairman and Fisher Vice Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board of the weekend (FRB), it spreads the United States of the early interest rate hike. Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market advances is $ 1 = 102 yen the first half and a weak yen, excessive profitability deterioration concern of export-related companies is retracted. Repurchase of automobile stocks and financial stocks becomes dominant, the Nikkei average of gains has become a temporary 400 yen greater.
Nikkei at 10,000 of 6700 yen level of the average, are swell trading value goes into this year. Is in the vicinity of the same level being pushed by the return waiting selling, the Nikkei was also a scene in which the average of the upside is heavy. If the depreciation of the yen proceeds in the foreign exchange market to smoke, decline was seen in the movement to follow the upside. Buy cheap to left that have been issues such as mega-banks, was noticeable movement to sell this to the brand that has been bought is rated growth potential such as food stock.
JPX Nikkei index 400 rebounded for the first time in three business days, before it was 10,000 1810.49 weekend ratio 236.98 points (2.05 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded to 3 business days the first time, was 1313.24 of 25.34 points (1.97 percent) high. In industry TOPIX-up of the "shipping industry", "Insurance", "transport equipment" was large.
1 trillion 802.7 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 1.6 billion 16.67 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for about 78% of the total and 1540. Drops 363, unchanged was 62 stocks.
It was transmitted to sell a system that leads to production efficiency improvement FANUC was bought. High Toyota and Fuji Heavy, such as automobile stocks. Continued funding in semiconductor manufacturing equipment related shares such as east Electrabel has flowed. Other hand, sluggish comparable store sales Kusuriaoki lowers, HIS fell. Also food stock such as Meiji HD cheap.
TSE II stock index rebounded. Asahi taek and Yaskawa information is raised. On the other hand, it was lowered Gee Three and Zojirushi
In emerging enterprise stock market of 29 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average rebounded. Closing price was the weekend before ratio of 5 yen 57 sen (0.23%) high 2461 yen 42 sen. Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market has dropped to $ 1 = 102 yen level, the Nikkei Stock Average has become significantly high. Strengthened the movement to take the operational risk in the emerging enterprise stock market, buying of individual investors has become dominant. However, the voice of the export investors often direct the funds to the relevant large-cap stocks, "other than stocks individually material has left ransacked it was difficult spread" (information person in charge of the net securities) was out.
Buying and selling price is 41 billion yen in the estimate of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 100 million 58.12 million shares. I adore and Shirai electronic, Tatsumo rises. Other hand, soft CFCs and yen Japan, McDonald's fell.
Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index rebounded for the first time in three business days. Closing price was the weekend before ratio 2.75 points (0.31 percent) higher 896.89. Trading value and 45.4 billion yen, was a low level for the first time in four months about three years since April 12, 2013. Since the interest of investors in response to the weak yen progression is facing large-cap stocks, buying and selling was sluggish. Saw Sayre career, Mobafaku rises. Other hand, Saibadain and Mobukyasu, Helios fell.
東証大引け、3日ぶり反発 上げ幅一時400円 円安で買い戻し
新興株29日、ジャスダック反発 マザーズの売買代金、3年ぶり低水準
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