Japan market withdrawal of Ford "deserved either"
Ford Motor Co. on January 25, announced that it would withdraw from Japan and Indonesia market by the end of this year. This that is given at the same time become clear, the company consistently until the end, was that you're going to maintain an attitude of criticizing the "closed Japanese market."
The company's spokesman, Neil McCarthy for the AP after the announcement of the withdrawal, "Japan is the most automobile market has been closed country in the developed countries. Among the new cars of annual sales, the proportion of the imported cars It said even less than "6%. The previous stage of the part, but received opinion of the automobile trade policy Council of the US (AAPC). There is no evidence to prove to be a correct claim. In addition, the subsequent stage is rich in originality - seen as borrowed from the "law lie in the statistics statistics Introduction that do not use the formula (How to lie with statistics)."
Among the Japanese car sales, it's true that the proportion of the imported cars is around 10% (about 6.5% if you include a light car). But, the Ford do not want noticed anyone is the fact that this figure is clearly that there is a vibrant imported car market of Japan. This proportion in Europe is about 4%, and in China the same 5% (by China Automobile Manufacturers Association of data), much lower than Japan. However, there is no thing Ford is to complain about the European and Chinese automobile market is heard. Share the company will hold in these countries would be the reason.
The other one, Ford does not want to be known to you, our own is in competition in the Japanese market, a fact that was lost to Europeans. Japan is of the 30 million units more than foreign-made cars imported during the last year, was more than 80% of the European brand of car. US-made is, it has remained in only 4%. Japan, home to auto manufacturers more than 10 companies in Japan, it is a competitive market. US manufacturers, including Ford, there are also aspects be led to think that it would have no motivation. Part of Ford vehicles to be imported, it leaves the handle is attached to the opposite side. Even sales of Ford vehicles in conjunction with GM, fall short than half of the Jeep is popular FCA in US manufacturer. Under these circumstances, the Ford has been allowed without withdrawal from the Japanese market up to now, would say a miracle.
Indonesia market "gave up"?
Withdrawal from the Indonesian market, but complete "surrender". One analyst, said, "It is a new step towards the worldwide defeat of the US auto industry."
Japanese market is already saturated. And by population decline and aging, it has gotten a downward curve. However, Indonesia's the opposite of it. Approximately twice the population of Japan. Automobile market has just started to grow. Population 1,000 capita car ownership whereas about a 600 units in Japan, Indonesia is about 50 cars. The country's automotive market, which has grown rapidly from about 10 years ago 2014, annual sales were a record high. This is, Indonesia is for the automaker that has the patience of a little bit with the foresight, should not deny the fact that a country that promises a long-term interests.
But, for the problem of Ford, Indonesia is more than Japan, but it is that it is a strong market Japanese manufacturers. Japanese manufacturers of share 2015, reached 96.5%. Sales of Ford cars in Indonesia up to the year 1 to 11 months, was not less than 5,000. On the other hand sales of Japanese cars in, it has recorded 100 million units nearby.
同社の広報担当、ニール・マッカーシーは撤退の発表後にAP通信に対し、「日本は先進国の中で最も自動車市場が閉ざされた国だ。新車の年間販売台数のうち、輸入車が占める割合は6%にも満たない」と語った。前段の部分は、米自動車貿易政策評議会(AAPC)の受け売りだ。正しい主張であると証明する根拠はない。さらに、後段は独創性に富んだ「統計でウソをつく法―数式を使わない統計学入門(How to lie with statistics)」からの借用とみられる。
日本の自動車販売台数のうち、輸入車が占める割合が10%前後 (軽自動車を含めれば約6.5%)であることは確かだ。だが、フォードが誰にも気づいてほしくないのは、この数字は日本の輸入車市場に活気があることを明示しているという事実だ。この割合は欧州では約4%、中国では同5%(中国自動車工業会のデータによる)であり、日本よりずっと低い。しかし、フォードが欧州や中国の自動車市場について不平を言うのは聞いたことがない。これら各国で自社が握るシェアがその理由だろう。
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