
2015-10-30 Nikkei225average->19,083.10(+147.39) J-VIX->23.44

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, two months ¥ 19,000 stand the first time in a month to buy in the stretch in succession of Bank of Japan meeting pass

Passes through the monetary policy meeting of the Bank of Japan, moved to buy the investors who had been holding back the transaction.
The Bank of Japan decided to maintain the status quo of monetary policy in the daytime too. Afternoon session close immediately after out selling in stock index futures, the Nikkei average fell in the second half 一時 ¥ 18,700 stand. However, gradually repurchase becomes dominant from the fact that downside is limited, weak yen-dollar and became one step higher proceeds.

To noon too far it is transmitted as "The government went to the adjustment in the direction to scale to more than 3 trillion yen in total the fiscal 2015 supplementary budget" (Nikkei electronic version), spread even buying and construction stocks. "This week other Bank of Japan meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and national and international events such as the announcement of important economic indicators are many, investors had refrained from buying there were many"

Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, celebrated 30 days peak announcement of interim results of companies that are doing the ended March 31, in response to the rapid increase of foreign tourists, consumption and travel-related industries, such as that strong from, ordinary income of the company is growing about 16% overall from last year that there were numerous positive earnings.

東証大引け、続伸 日銀会合通過で買い 2カ月ぶり1万9000円台





2015-10-29 Nikkei225average->18,935.71(+32.69) J-VIX->26.58

In a statement the announcement of the US Federal Open Market Committee, which was held up to the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) is 28th (FOMC), until December, was in reassuring that the rate hike is not, the United States market, trade on the stock market high me was terminated.

In this the United States high stock, CME Nikkei futures also recover the ¥ 19,000, the Tokyo market also begins with a high stock, there was a scene to spread the increase rate of the previous day ratio to 177 yen.

However, the momentum of buying was limited. Industrial production index preliminary of September the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced before trading started 1.0 percent rise in the previous month. Contrary to the expectations of the market becomes a rise for the first time in three months, the Bank of Japan monetary policy decision meeting the 30-day retreat is observed with the go ahead to further easing, it became a burden of the stock price.

Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market 29 days continued to grow, and finished with ¥ 18,935 71 sen of the day before ratio 32 yen 69 sen (0.17%) high. Kai was favorable impression of the US stock appreciation and depreciation of the yen-dollar 28 days was predominant. JPX Nikkei index 400 firmer, Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) was small pullback.







Figure to live together with the sea 海と共に生きる姿 (Fudo Tetra Corporation 1813.T)

This Vanishing wave block (tetra pods), more than 40 years ago, is what has been installed on the Tokunoshima of Japan.

People in developed countries, appearance of poor
Until tetrapods is installed, Islanders, had been plagued with damage of typhoons and tsunami.

Tetrapod has kept the small tree, such as a photo even now.
Play the role of small fish happily living reefs under the tetrapod

Now, Tokunoshima, high most fertility rate in Japan, and is a longevity.

Just as it suffers from tsunami and typhoons, to the people of the Pacific Ocean on the island, by all means, I want you to know Fudo Tetra Corporation's technology.

Fudo Tetra Corporation 1813.T






2015-10-28 Nikkei225average->18,903.02(+125.98) J-VIX->27.64

The Nikkei average was rebound in the Tokyo market. Opaque Among outside the overseas stock market, with strong performance of 6954.T FANUC and Alibaba announced the positive earnings, 9984.T Softbank, 8035.T Tokyo Electron, such as the Nikkei rise in the average of the spindle stock is today in contribution 3 stocks Nikkei and became a factor in pushing up about 75 yen average. But wait-and-see attitude in the previous events of the Nichigin(Japan of Bank) and FRB banks also strongly upside is limited, TOPIX was also a scene that starts to lower.

The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange trading volume since August 17, low level for the first time in about two months. Trading value also was followed by a 2 trillion 164.4 billion yen and thin trading.

東京市場で日経平均は反発した。不透明な海外株式市場外のなか、好決算を発表した 6954.T ファナックやアリババの好業績で、9984.T ソフトバンク、8035.T 東京エレクトロンなど日経平均の主軸株の上昇が寄与 3銘柄できょうの日経平均を約75円押し上げる要因となった。ただ日米中銀のイベント前で様子見姿勢も強く上値は限られ、TOPIXは下げに転じる場面もあった。



2015-10-27 Nikkei225average->18,777.04(-170.08) J-VIX->28.83

FOMC, in addition to the results waiting for the Bank of Japan meeting, the TSE received a US warship dispatched on the Spratly Islands high seas pullback

FOMC October 29 (JST 3:00) US FOMC policy interest rate announcement
Bank of Japan October 30 Policy Committee, Monetary Policy Meeting

FOMC 10月29日(JST 3:00) 米FOMC政策金利発表
日銀  10月30日 政策委員会・金融政策決定会合


2015-10-26 Nikkei225average->18,947.12(+121.82) J-VIX->27.68

Even to recover the Nikkei average morning session ¥ 19,000 of the Tokyo market, the afternoon is pushed to profit selling.

Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 2 trillion 125.3 billion yen in rough figures. Trading volume was 1.8 billion 10.51 million shares. Rise number of stocks of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1252, it accounted for 66 per cent of the total. Drops 519, unchanged was the 132 stocks.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was also rebound. Closing price was 10 000 3428.88 of the previous day 54.29 points (0.41 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebound, I finished in 1499.28 of 4.53 points (0.30%) high.

東京市場の日経平均 前場19000円を回復するも、後場は、利益確定売りに押される。




2015-10-23 Nikkei225average->18,825.30(+389.43) J-VIX->26.66(+0.46 / +1.76%)

Draghi Magic ECB is October easing suggested, the Tokyo market also significantly high expect the received BOJ mitigate this

Draghi president at a press conference after the Board of Directors on February 22, expressed that there is a possibility to be presented at the Council of December as early as the new monetary easing measures, including a negative deposit interest rate of ECB.

In response to this, recently, with regard to Japan, where economic indicators have shown a clearly falling trend, etc. minus deposit rate introduction, it is expected the possibility of Japan, which devours the long indolence in the low-profit mega-banks to exert the inherent ability , Tokyo market, as well as mega-banks, such as 8604.T Nomura Holdings was bought.





8604.T 野村ホールディングスが買われた。


2015-10-22 Nikkei225average->18,435.87(-118.41) J-VIX->26.20(-0.55 / +2.58%)

In the morning, but buying advances stock had risen, in the form of waiting for the announcement of today's ECB monetary policy announcement (Draghi Cannon), trading is reduced in the afternoon, the Nikkei average fell.

Also 6594.t announced positive earnings Nidec, in the morning, but was elevated to be bought, and was sold in the afternoon.

"Sharp retiree 100 people employed," said Nagamori Mr. automotive and smartphone of Nidec strong, aim "haptic device" 300 billion yen

Small precision motors leading Nidec Nagamori Shigenobu, Chairman and President of the 21st, was a sharp retirees in the restructuring to clarify the policy adopted in 100 people scale. The same day announced that September 2015 interim consolidated financial results smartphones and is strong in sales for the automotive, profit both a record high. This term plans to make additional investment of 18 billion yen in the center of the new fields, aiming to ensure the experienced sharp technicians.

■ "already the executive class 30 people" any ... sales, and final gain on the best

Sharp conducted a voluntary retirement of more than 3200 people in September, it is one after another also voluntary retirement. Nidec that have already adopted the retirees 30 people about in the executive class. Nagamori said, stated that the "application is good to employ about 100 people if" on the occasion of the earnings announcement conference. The cultivated sharp to obtain a "technology can take advantage of." Offices established in retirees many areas of Sharp also will be examined.

September interim consolidated financial results 587.3 billion yen appreciation, an increase of 20 percent year-on-year sales of Nidec, sales 61.8 billion yen of profit rose 19 · 1%, net income is 47.6 billion, an increase of 29 · 7% Both were record highs in the circle.

New part "haptic device" to convey a small vibration to the fingertip in response to the operation in such smartphone was strong. Same parts even automotive applications and games is expected, aiming to sales of 3,000 billion yen in about half of the market in 29 years.


好決算を発表した6594.t 日本電産も、午前中は買われ上昇したが、午後から売られました。

「シャープ退職者100人採用」と日本電産の永守氏 自動車やスマホ向け好調、「触覚デバイス」3000億円めざす








2015-10-21 Nikkei225average->18,554.28(+347.13) J-VIX->25.54(-0.55 / -2.11%)

Due to declines in resource prices, in response to the positive earnings of Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., expect buying spread domestic positive earnings.
Also, determine the selling price of the Japan Post two subsidiaries, investors of funds out to the assignment I considered one of the factors of stock prices rise was returned to the market.



2015-10-20 Nikkei225average->18,207.15(+75.92) J-VIX->26.09(-1.75 / -6.29%)

With respect to quarterly results, bullish expand from the strong performance expected of such resources prices and inbound.
However, there is also flow to wait for the results of tomorrow's September trade statistics, I was preoccupied with modest price movements. Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange remained at a low level of 1 trillion 823.5 billion yen and approximately the first time in half a year at a rough estimate.

Individually, it was bought received the coverage of insurance sales of power business entry and NTTdocomo of KDDI.



基礎統計の更なる充実について 第16回経済財政諮問会議


(問題点) 高齢者の消費動向が色濃く反映された 結果が出ているのではないか。
To determine the trend of private final consumption expenditure, which accounts for 60% of Family Income and Expenditure Survey -GDP
(Problems) or not than a result of consumption trends of the elderly has been clearly reflected is out.

The number of samples (number of households)
-20代 172
30代 1,023
40代 1,735
50代 1,829
60代- 5,241

(Reference) demographic / census
-20代 13.2%
30代 17.4%
40代 16.1%
50代 15.6%
60代- 37.7%

(Reference) household composition / census
-20代 3.7%
30代 14.9%
40代 17.8%
50代 19.1%
60代- 44.5%

 (問題点)事業所サンプルの入替え時に「非連続 な動き(数値のギャップ)」が生じているの ではないか。
Show the wage trend of employers - Monthly Labor Statistics
(Problem) "(gap numeric) non-continuous movement" at the time of replacement of office sample or not than has occurred.

2015年1月 サンプル入替え January 2015 sample replacement

Consumer price index - deflator of consumer spending and wages

Despite the expansion of (problems) Internet shopping market, for most of the goods, including consumer electronics or not than the net selling price has not been taken into account.

(問題点)近年需要が増加しているリフォーム・リ ノベーションの把握に一層努めるべきで はないか。
Foundation of private housing investment of construction starts statistical survey (private housing part) -GDP
(Problems) in recent years or demand should not strive more to understand the Reform Li innovation has increased.



2015-10-19 Nikkei225average->18,131.23(-160.57) J-VIX->27.84(+1.05 / +3.92%)

The 19th Tokyo market, in the morning, deployment of the sidelines that selling and buying of the Bank of Japan monetary easing expectations of China's July-September 2015 period of real gross domestic product of the downside of vigilance is interlaced.

When the conference contents of the Bank of Japan is transmitted from the afternoon, since it did not have today's monetary easing, selling became dominant.



財務省 経済統計の取り方など見直し要請へ











2015-10-16 Nikkei225average->18,291.80(+194.90) J-VIX->26.79(-0.08 / -0.30%)

Becomes impossible to US interest rate hikes, financial sector and real estate sector has been bought by monetary easing expectations the Bank of Japan

In addition, at the Tokyo Motor Show, from the fact that begins exhibition of the next generation of products of each company, in the Tokyo market, and bought in general, increase rate of the Nikkei average exceeds the temporary 300 yen.

However, I'm sluggish is over the close of trading. Unilaterally to the Kaiagaru poor for new material about, sidelines mood Jiwarito expansion. Also spread movement for the time being organize high have to buy before the weekend. Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was sluggish and 2 trillion 193.7 billion yen in rough figures. Trading volume was 2 billion 31.95 million shares.






2015-10-15 Nikkei225average->18,096.90(+205.90) J-VIX->26.87(-0.60 / -2.18%)

In Europe and the United States stock prices, but it seemed to Tokyo market lower, to maintain the increase in the whole area high until the end, ¥ 18,000 recovery

Than individually, but Asahi Kasei there is also such as are sold, by the Bank of Japan easing expectations, financial and real estate were bought.

欧州・米国の株安で、東京市場も下げると思われたが、全面高の上昇を最後まで維持し、18000円 回復



2015-10-14 Nikkei225average->17,891.00(-343.74) J-VIX->27.47(+1.76 / +6.85%)

Tokyo market also continued wait-and-see look at the US earnings season

Than individually, defective construction of condominiums has been reported, 1821.T Sumitomo Mitsui Construction has been sold.

個別では、マンションの欠陥工事が報道された、1821.T 三井住友建設が売られた。


2015-10-13 Nikkei225average->18,234.74(-203.93) J-VIX->25.71

Tokyo market of consecutive holidays opening is, of (9983.T Uniqlo) (6954.T Fanuc) (9984.T Softbank)
Futures 3 brothers more than 3% decline

Automobile stocks (7203.T Toyota) (7267.T Honda) is more than 2% lower

Domestic strains firm Obayashi, the new 52-week highs update

総合 General construction
1802.T 大林組(OBAYASHI Corporation) +3.14% \1,117 (売買単位1000)
1801.T 大成建設(TAISEI Corporation) +1.87% \817 (売買単位1000)
1861.T 熊谷組(Kumagai Gumi Corporation) +1.25% \404 (売買単位1000)

トンネル Tunnel construction
1822.T 大豊建設(DAIHO Corporation) +1.11% \547 (売買単位1000)
1815.T 鉄建建設(TEKKEN Corporation) +3.69% \337 (売買単位1000)

海洋・地盤改良 Ground improvement
1813.T 不動テトラ(Fudo Tetra Corporation) +0.59% \170 (売買単位100)

1893.T 五洋建設(Penta Ocean Construction Corporation) +3.57% \581 (売買単位100)

連休明けの東京市場は、(9983.T ユニクロ) (6954.T ファナック) (9984.T ソフトバンク)の

自動車株 (7203.T トヨタ)(7267.T ホンダ)は、2%以上の下げ

国内株は堅調 大林組は、新52週高値更新


2015-10-09 Nikkei225average->18,438.67(+297.5) J-VIX->25.63

Good feeling the WTI crude oil futures is $ 49 recovery

In the morning, energy-related, such as 5019.T Idemitsu is bought.

Afternoon, announced the upward revision 1802.T Obayashi is the performance expected during lunch break

Construction-related stocks bought.

総合 General construction
1802.T 大林組(OBAYASHI Corporation) +9.50% \1,083 (売買単位1000)
1801.T 大成建設(TAISEI Corporation) +7.22% \802 (売買単位1000)
1861.T 熊谷組(Kumagai Gumi Corporation) +4.18% \399 (売買単位1000)

トンネル Tunnel construction
1822.T 大豊建設(DAIHO Corporation) +4.64% \541 (売買単位1000)
1815.T 鉄建建設(TEKKEN Corporation) +5.86% \325 (売買単位1000)

海洋・地盤改良 Ground improvement
1813.T 不動テトラ(Fudo Tetra Corporation) +2.42% \169 (売買単位100)
1893.T 五洋建設(Penta Ocean Construction Corporation) +4.47% \569 (売買単位100)

午後、昼休み中に業績予想を上方修正した1802 大林組が買われ、そこから建設株が大幅上昇


2015-10-08 Nikkei225average->18,141.17(-181.81) J-VIX->26.93

Option SQ previous day
Shanghai market large consecutive holidays opening

オプションSQ 前日
上海市場 大型連休明け


2015-10-07 Nikkei225average->18,322.98(+136.88) J-VIX->28.90

Additional monetary of the Bank of Japan, maintaining the status quo






2015-10-06 Nikkei225average->18,186.10(+180.61) J-VIX->32.31

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing or five days good feeling the stretch in succession 180 yen High Western high stock and TPP outline agreement
Is Satoshi's award of Omura was decided to Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to be the third person in Japanese.
In addition, it will become the Oriental medicine that the West was first recognized, award-winning Chinese Two Yuyu Dr.
Indeed, the selection of this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is, I think great.

東証大引け、5日続伸 180円高 欧米株高やTPP大筋合意を好感


2015-10-05 Nikkei225average->18,005.49(+280.36) J-VIX->32.27

And the best condition of the last weekend of US auto sales, received the news of the favorable adjustment towards a rainy day TPP final agreement, the Tokyo stock market, has recovered the ¥ 18,000.

TPP negotiations, 12 countries are to the results announcement ... agreement outlook

ATLANTA (USA Georgia) = Noriyuki word Tsuyoshi, YONEKAWA Takeshi] The Tour of the Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP), negotiations in 12 countries 5 morning to participate (Japan time: 5 Sunday night), to open a joint press conference, negotiations We will announce the results.

Amari TPP phase (before dawn Japan time 5, 2006) four days noon, and prospects told reporters said, "remain challenges ready to announce significant progress had. Outline agreement on", negotiations reached outline agreement me revealed.

In the TPP negotiations, exclusively sold able to "data protection period" and dairy products of market opening in biotechnology products, but consultations around the procurement rules of auto parts has difficulties, both were almost settled until four days noon.

Through 12 countries the dawn of 4: Lunch day 5 to participate in the negotiations, it is directed to the outline agreement, in order to pack the final agreement, continued the consultation. Make sure that you have reached the outline agreement to open the Ministerial Meeting at the stage of finishing all of the adjustment, it's carried to explain the agreement in a subsequent joint press conference.








2015-10-02 Nikkei225average->17,725.13(+2.71) J-VIX->33.81

September US auto sales 15.8% increase, and the like about 10 years of good results gasoline depreciation

US auto sales to research firm Autodata is summarized in September became the 1.44 million units, an increase of 15.8 percent year-on-year. And 18.17 million units at a seasonally adjusted annualized, and exceeded the 17.6 million units analysts expected, became the highest level since July 2005 (20.6 million units).

9月米自動車販売15.8%増、約10年ぶりの好成績 ガソリン安などで





米経済分析局 (BEA) は、米国国内総生産 (GDP) 並びにその他の国民所得及び国民生産の勘定統計における推計に際して、今後研究開発費 (R&D) を投資として処理する。
BEAと国立科学財団科学技術統計センター (NCSES) は共同で、NCSESのR&D支出統計を活用したGDPの推計方法を開発した。 R&Dの処理方法の変更に限定されない今回のGDP推計方法の変更により、過去の歴代GDPレベルが押し上げられ、それによりNCSESの最新報告書で述べられている通りNCSESが過去に発表していた米国R&D対GDP比は順繰りで若干低くなる。
R&Dは、今後米国GDP並びに関連の統計で、全ての経済の産業分野においてBEAにより資本化(投資として処理)され、「知的財産製品」と称される新規資本分類に含まれる。例えば、民間セクターにおけるR&D支出は従来、間接生産費 (intermediate production cost) として処理されていた。 BEAによる今回の処理方法の変更はR&Dの重要性を浮き彫りにする。GDPは経済間の財・サービスの最も幅広い測定法である。GDPの推計においてR&Dを投資に含める事は、新しい知識の価値と長期に亘る有益性を評価するものである。
BEAによるR&D支出の資本化は2013年に発表された出版物の包括的な改正における一連の処理方法の変更の一部をなす。これらの変更は、2008 System of National Accounts と称して知られる国連統計委員会にも採用されている最新の国際的統計基準との整合性を保つものである。
詳細はNSFの科学統計センター National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics を参照。

2015-10-01 Nikkei225average->17,722.42(+334.27) J-VIX->32.89

Saudi funding hike of crude oil price-lowering
Swiss Glencore anxiety in the lowering of the copper price

銅価格の下げでのスイス グレンコア不安